A Better Life While I’m Alive

By Rom Watson
c. January 19, 2014

Michael Spielberg died at the age of 48. I never met the man, but I attended his memorial service because of my friendship with his mother, Iris Lord.

The service was held at a temple on Hollywood Boulevard, near Fuller Avenue. During the service, people got up to speak about Michael and quite a number of them mentioned that he took very good care of himself. They spoke about the fact that he was very strict about eating only healthy foods, that he practiced yoga every day, etc. The comments were all along the lines of, “Little good it did him.” As though they felt sorry that he went to all that trouble and then died young.

I don’t know Michael’s motivations, but why would they assume that he did those things in order to live longer?

And why would they think that taking care of your physical health could ever be a waste of time? Did they view Michael’s death as a reason/excuse to stop taking care of themselves?

Since a good life is made from good habits, I, like Michael, take a similar approach to my health. I exercise regularly; I see my doctors and have my teeth cleaned on schedule; I consistently eat healthy foods, partaking of red meat only two or three times a year and limiting my sugar intake, including carbohydrates and alcohol. I don’t do any of these things in order to live longer.

I do them so I will have a better life while I’m alive.

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3 Responses to A Better Life While I’m Alive

  1. Janice Metz says:

    Wishing you many many many healthy years ahead. Nice article.

  2. Pat says:

    Recently a dear friend of mine died at 80+ years. He struggled life long with weight, cardiac, renal and other issues voicing the “therapies” (diet, exercise, et al) when adhered to as being “good”. The man was one of the most jovial, life-loving, giving people I’ve been blessed to know and love. HE had a better life than many I know whose sole focus is on longevity vs true quality.

  3. My father died at 42. My mother died at 53. I am now sixty (or there abouts)… I don’t think it will matter much whether I live a clean or dirty life… I have outlived my genes by quite a bit. I am grateful for each day that I am on this side of the daisies… I don’t think I will live longer by drinking vitamin enriched juices or things created in my wife’s new juicer… I will live as long as I am allowed… no more, no less… I only hope that I can live life to the fullest as long as I’m allowed… When you are young, you may get the chance to play Rosencrantz or a spear carrier… If you do that well, you get to play Horatio… If you’re really good, you get to play Hamlet. Then they want you to play Claudius, then Polonius, and finally, you play the skull… That is my ideal life…

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